4月8日报道 super junior崔始源的人脉令网友们惊讶。Super Junior崔始源4月7日生日之际,世界级作家Paulo Coelho在推特上留言祝贺其生日。Paulo Coelho对SJ崔始源说:“HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Be always a warrior of light!(生日快乐!成为光之战士吧!)”对此崔始源回应说:“thank you so much. Actually im your huge fan : )。”Paulo Coelho再次回复说:“when in Europe, pls let me know. BTW your fans are also warriors, they really want to see you happy! Congrats。”崔始源表示:“im in paris now. leave tomorrow to shenzhen in china : ) they are all family and everything. I really want to meet you next time”。