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作者:未知  来源:电影百科   更新:2008-1-4 12:53:21  点击:  切换到繁體中文


市川昆(1915年11月20日—),日文名市川 崑(いちかわこん),英文名Kon Ichikawa,原名市川仪一,日本著名电影导演和编剧,出生于日本三重县伊势。





[编辑] 1950 - 1965年
市川昆结婚后开始和和田夏十合作。一般将1950 - 1965年称作市川昆的“和田夏十时代”,他最著名的一些作品均创作于这一时期。而从1956年到1965年,市川昆几乎每年都有作品入选“风向标”《电影旬报》年度电影十佳,这一阶段也是他逐渐扬名的过程,他大量改变文学著作,变换不同的表现方法。这其中包括夏目漱石、大冈升平、三岛由纪夫、谷崎润一郎直至后来的横沟正史、川端康成。


The majority of Kon Ichikawa's most highly regarded films were screenwritten by his wife, Natto Wada. This partnership began in 1949 with Design of a Human Being (Ningen moyo) and continued through to 1965 with Tokyo Olympiad (Tokyo orimpikku). She wrote thirty-four screenplays during that period, most of which were adaptations. Nadda had a talent for adapting other sources to the screen and that's where most of their partnership concentrated.

市川昆在五六十年代渐渐得到西方的认可。 two antiwar films with The Burmese Harp (Biruma no tategoto) and Fires on the Plain (Nobi), Alone on the Pacific (Taiheiyo hitori-botchi) and the technically formidable period-piece An Actor's Revenge (Yukinojo henge) about a Kabuki actor.

Of his many literary adaptations, works including Tanizaki Junichiro's The Key (Kagi), Natsume Soseki's The Heart (Kokoro) and I Am a Cat (Wagahai wa neko de aru), about a mouse turned into a cat viewing the world from its unique perspective, and Yukio Mishima's Conflagration (Enjo), in which a priest burns down his temple to save it from spiritual pollution, were brought to the screen.

[编辑] 1965年至今


Of the change Natto's departure marked, it is hard to extricate Natto from his work. The two worked very closely and shared many ideals. Whereas Kon can be said to be responsible for much for the black wit in his films (that trend certainly continue beyond Natto's departure), she also had a sardonic side, as evidence in many of her essays. Whereas people will attribute much of the humanity of his earlier films to Natto, humanity is still a major theme in his films post-Natto. About the only thing critics can agree on is that post-Natto Ichikawa's films had a definite lesser quality to them (with a few notable exceptions).



[编辑] 电影风格特征
Kon's films are marked with a certain darkness and bleakness, punctuated with sparks of humanity.

It can be said that his main trait is technical expertise, irony, detachment and a drive for realism married with a complete spectrum of genres. Some critics class him with Akira Kurosawa, Kenji Mizoguchi and Yasujiro Ozu as one of the masters of Japanese cinema.


[编辑] 导演作品表
《东宝一千零一夜 大阪篇》(1947年)
《缅甸的竖琴 第一部》(1956年)
《缅甸的竖琴 第二部》(1956年)
《你和我的暗号 再见了,今天》(1959年)
《毅力的故事 金钱之舞》(1964年)


娱乐录入:贯通日本语    责任编辑:贯通日本语 

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